Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hi there.

We would like to begin our blog with an apt description of ourselves. Oh, did we say ourselves? We meant our sense of humor.

You know the Freudians keep quoting their reverend, "You tell me what a person laughs at, and I'll tell you what he is." So we think the last glitch will qualify as a Freudian slip too.

Anyways, we were reading through a question paper for the end semester exam here and found a rather interesting question which amused us greatly.

It went like this (We have purposefully not provided the whole question out of the fear of violating some institute policies):

A DC motor is such that its friction with its rotational speed is given by

And similarly for another motor the behavior is (more blah,blah).
Hence, calculate the efficiencies of both the engines.

And this was the interesting bit, which incidentally was present at the end of every question (it, after all, was a seventh sem end semester paper):

Also if you were to recommend a motor to your company, which one would you recommend.

So far, so good.
Then it was the marks distribution which caught our eye:


Hmm.. now if someone solved the question rigorously, got the right answer and then ... recommend the wrong motor to the company. Hmm... he will certainly make an interesting engineer with great marks. :)

Musically and playfully yours,


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Rohit said...

Well I know this guy personally and believe me never trust this guy's sense of humor.


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